October 12, 2010
So even though I am now “in a Turkey,” it seems that my habits really haven’t changed that much. On this drizzly Tuesday morning I find myself perched in…you guessed it…a coffee shop. Those of you that share in my obsession may be disappointed to know that the one I am in now is indeed a Starbucks. Now, now…In my defense, the coffee is actually not so burnt here, and, really, when there are no other options within my walking radius (be quiet, my “I walked across the USA” brother), this will do just fine.
For the first time I am using a gift from a great friend—a travel coffee mug. It is a deep sea blue that boasts the inscription of Isaiah 40:31:
“My HOPE is in You…those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and now grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”
Ironically, a woman did just become faint a moment ago outside the doors of Star-booze. People came rushing in shouting, “Doktor, var?!” (Is there a doctor here?). From the back a woman jogged out the doors towards the fallen woman. The crowd soon dispersed, and the doctor helped the swollen-eyed woman inside for a cup of joe.
I was blessed by the whole interaction. It’s like God allowed me to feel a bit of His heart for His people. When that woman fell, she mattered more to the people around her than themselves. Their schedules and worries were suspended as the call for compassion took over. This, I think, is the posture of our Maker always—ready to lift us up, ready to renew our strength, and calling us to serve our fellow man. If only we would be willing to be a part of what He’s doing and to open ourselves up to the tender leading of His hand.
Hmm….leading. He’s doing that with me here. I’ve had three practices so far with the Kolejliler (Ko-llege ee-lair….I think?) club team. We had a fancy dinner on Sunday night with all the big-wig board members, our team, the men’s volleyball team (Division 2), and the men’s and women’s basketball teams. Yeah, all of them are a part of this club. I was hoping to get to meet the other American who is on the women’s basketball team, but nobody introduced us. I didn’t know exactly who she was, and I was feeling too shy (yeah, me) to poke around to find out.
Anyway, the ladies on my team are cool. I am especially thankful for Nilay (Nee-lai) and Ozge (Ohz-gay), the team captain, who have been extra kind and even goofy! Many of my teammates know English—some eager to practice with me and others too shy to speak. Both assistant coaches, pronounced Bar-roosh and Tai-lan, can speak with me, but the head coach Yusuf communicates only in Turkish. So in practice the young and super energetic Ege (Eh-jay) translates for me.
I still don’t know if I’m staying here in Ankara. I think the tryout is going well so far, but who the heck knows. I feel good about my effort and my attitude and spirit—maxing out on what I can control. I feel like I am making positive connections with the people around me—an overwhelming amount of smiling with “lewt-fen” and “teh-shek-yoo-lar” (please and thank you) always goes a long way, no matter what country you are in!
I don’t know, friends… I can’t help but feel that this trip is going to change me in major ways. I am going to be pushed to discomfort, but as a result of God answering my prayers to go deep into the utmost of Him.
Here’s to being an eagle!
On with the journey…
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