Brazil was stunning.
I was humbled once again.
And now it's time to re-pack in preparation for our 29 hour trek to Taiwan.
So until I return to earth on Wednesday, consider the complexity of the following scene:
While soaking in our daily rationing of sunlight, Jordan and I halted on the Copacabana boardwalk to watch a male doubles volleyball battle on the beach. Two elements of this match made it unlike any other I have ever seen. First, each player donned a Portuguese tongue (naturally) and a colorful Speedo (not so naturally). Second, and most peculiar, was the fact that this game was being played without using arms!
These guys kicked the ball off a tee of gathered sand to serve. They would then bound the ball off their chest (or perhaps, a side swipe kick) to pass, followed by a steady knee-ball set that always seemed to perfectly lead their approaching teammate. This guy would then leap up, chin to the sky before cranking forward blasting the ball with his forehead to the other side.